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Mini Fotomarathon

The Berlin Fotomarathon has a brother: The Mini Fotomarathon. While the big challenge is taking 12 photos for 12 topics in 12 hours, this smaller version requires only 6 photos in 4 hours. Yes, this means less time for each photo! But because of the reduction you don’t run out of energy and creativity before the challenge is finished. Again the rules: At the end of the day you have to submit… Weiterlesen »Mini Fotomarathon

Just go #Berlin Fotomarathon

This photo is part of the Berlin Fotomarathon 2018, click here to know more about it and to see the whole series. Topic #8:”Geh doch nach drüben! – Just go over to the other side!” The topic is a well known sentence used back in the time of the Inner German border. It was said mainly to West Germans criticizing something. By telling them to just go over to the other… Weiterlesen »Just go #Berlin Fotomarathon

Wall to Wall #Berlin Fotomarathon

This photo is part of the Berlin Fotomarathon 2018, click here to know more about it and to see the whole series. Topic #5:”Wand an Wand – Wall to wall” Wall to wall, there are two walls close to each other – quite simple. Unfortunately I didn’t recognize the bit of my head at the upper edge on the small screen of my camera. I could have done another one,… Weiterlesen »Wall to Wall #Berlin Fotomarathon

Line #Berlin Fotomarathon

This photo is part of the Berlin Fotomarathon 2018, click here to know more about it and to see the whole series. Topic #4:”Linientreue – Toeing the party line” I love this photo. Maybe because anyway I like pictures of the feet section… But the is a photo you can sure discuss about, if it is connected to the topic or not. The difficulty here is that you can understand the… Weiterlesen »Line #Berlin Fotomarathon

Third Man #Berlin Fotomarathon

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This photo is part of the Berlin Fotomarathon 2018, click here to know more about it and to see the whole series. Topic #3:”Der dritte Mann – The third man” Another touristic spot, but at least a bit of a connection to the historical motto. Unfortunately I was under a lot of time pressure and the two guys acting the American soldiers on Checkpoint Charlie didn’t want to help me… Weiterlesen »Third Man #Berlin Fotomarathon

Radiant Times #Berlin Fotomarathon

This photo is part of the Berlin Fotomarathon 2018, click here to know more about it and to see the whole series. Topic #2:”Strahlende Zeiten – Radiant Times” I ended up with a quite touristic picture and a bit of a lame interpretation of the topic, but I am actually satisfied with that photo. Especially after I tried to take a picture with the newspaper The Times in a solarium (didn’t work, looked stupid),… Weiterlesen »Radiant Times #Berlin Fotomarathon