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Foto Projekte

Diese Kategorie enthält Bilder, die nicht alleine stehen können und im Kontext mit anderen Bildern oder anderen Kunstformen, z.B. Texten gesehen werden müssen. Ich habe sehr viele Projekte in Planung, die aktuell laufenden sind im Menü zu finden.

This category includes photos that are not supposed to stand single. They have to be viewed in a context either (mostly) with other photos or with another art form, mainly text.
There are a lot of photographic projects in my mind – find the momenarily ongoing ones in the menu!


There was a time I did picture puzzles. There are still many good ideas in my brain, maybe I will return to it. The picture always seeks for a common saying, a movie, a song, a person, a book title, a play… anything, that is known by many people. In the following gallery you see the riddles that I did until now. Take a few minutes to guess and then read the solution… Weiterlesen »Riddle


Who doesn’t know how hard it is to be authentically in daily life?


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I had the task to create a cover picture dealing with the topic “Models” (= in German: Modelle). Here I want to show just some of my interpretations, but it may not surprise that the final photo for the cover is of the ones I took at a sculptor’s place. The artist showed me round his workshops and gave me a lot of inspiration on the topic. A sculptor creates models of wax,… Weiterlesen »Models

Mini Fotomarathon

The Berlin Fotomarathon has a brother: The Mini Fotomarathon. While the big challenge is taking 12 photos for 12 topics in 12 hours, this smaller version requires only 6 photos in 4 hours. Yes, this means less time for each photo! But because of the reduction you don’t run out of energy and creativity before the challenge is finished. Again the rules: At the end of the day you have to submit… Weiterlesen »Mini Fotomarathon

Malta Churches

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I HAVE BEEN in Malta for half a year and had some time to explore the country. That is not such a hard job because the island is pretty small, but the most striking feature is the people’s catholic faith. 98% of the population is catholic, they say to have 365 churches, one for each day – if you include all the small chapels there are probably even more. MALTESE… Weiterlesen »Malta Churches

Children of the Zone #Berlin Fotomarathon

This photo is part of the Berlin Fotomarathon 2018, click here to know more about it and to see the whole series. Topic #12:”Zonenkinder – Children of the zone” Cool topic, bad implementation. With more effort (needing more time) I could have make this photo better, because the idea itself is not that bad. It is hard to see but we are eating sweets that were typical products of East… Weiterlesen »Children of the Zone #Berlin Fotomarathon

Jump #Berlin Fotomarathon

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This photo is part of the Berlin Fotomarathon 2018, click here to know more about it and to see the whole series. Topic #11:”Sprung ins kalte Wasser – Jump into cold water” Again one could do a lot on the metaphorical level of this topic. I would have loved to with more time and after a bit of resting. Still, even if I took the words literally, I am in… Weiterlesen »Jump #Berlin Fotomarathon