Photoshop Experimente
Ein Sammelsurium von Photoshop Experimenten. Alle Elemente auf den Bildern sind von mir, auch bei Collagen habe ich nichts Fremdes eingebaut.
Ein Sammelsurium von Photoshop Experimenten. Alle Elemente auf den Bildern sind von mir, auch bei Collagen habe ich nichts Fremdes eingebaut.
The Berlin Fotomarathon has a brother: The Mini Fotomarathon. While the big challenge is taking 12 photos for 12 topics in 12 hours, this smaller version requires only 6 photos in 4 hours. Yes, this means less time for each photo! But because of the reduction you don’t run out of energy and creativity before the challenge is finished. Again the rules: At the end of the day you have to submit… Weiterlesen »Mini Fotomarathon
Those salt pans can be seen in Marsaskala at the East coast of Malta. It seemed to me as one of the most fascinating and liberating coast-side places I’ve been to and supports my opinion, that Malta is clearly underappreciated!
I HAVE BEEN in Malta for half a year and had some time to explore the country. That is not such a hard job because the island is pretty small, but the most striking feature is the people’s catholic faith. 98% of the population is catholic, they say to have 365 churches, one for each day – if you include all the small chapels there are probably even more. MALTESE… Weiterlesen »Malta Churches