Salt Pans
Those salt pans can be seen in Marsaskala at the East coast of Malta. It seemed to me as one of the most fascinating and liberating coast-side places I’ve been to and supports my opinion, that Malta is clearly underappreciated!
Those salt pans can be seen in Marsaskala at the East coast of Malta. It seemed to me as one of the most fascinating and liberating coast-side places I’ve been to and supports my opinion, that Malta is clearly underappreciated!
This photo is part of the Berlin Fotomarathon 2018, click here to know more about it and to see the whole series. Topic #11:”Sprung ins kalte Wasser – Jump into cold water” Again one could do a lot on the metaphorical level of this topic. I would have loved to with more time and after a bit of resting. Still, even if I took the words literally, I am in… Weiterlesen »Jump #Berlin Fotomarathon
Dieses Foto ist Teil meiner Monats – Fotochallenge, für den Zusammenhang und die ganze Serie hier klicken.